Monday, March 30, 2020

Benefits Of Oakland University Tutoring

Benefits Of Oakland University TutoringStudents from Oakland University in Michigan will find it hard to find a better school than this when it comes to learning at the best. Students can also take advantage of special tutoring and support programs available for those who are very busy with their studies. Oakland University is an excellent choice for anyone who is looking for a great education.Students who work to support themselves financially can obtain free tutoring services provided by the SBA, the Small Business Administration. Tutors offer assistance in all areas of writing, English, Math, Science, History, Social Studies, and Chemistry, among others. They are well-versed in the problems faced by students and can offer solutions that are both innovative and flexible.Oakland University students may not realize it, but the SBA has several ways of helping students with their coursework. For instance, there are various SBA internship programs. These are designed to help students ga in practical experience. Additionally, it is possible to obtain SBA training as a part-time or full-time employee.If a student wants to obtain SBA training, there are several qualifications needed to participate. In addition to the education coursework, candidates must be able to pass a background check and submit to a drug test. The school itself requires a small fee to provide the training.A few other universities throughout the United States offer the SBA program. The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges gives accreditation to career schools that offer support services. Students who are accepted into the program will have their tuition paid by the SBA.Other career schools around the country may offer the SBA tutoring programs for a fee. Some may require a personal guarantee from the student. However, most do not. It is best to research the requirements before enrolling.With or without the SBA funding, students can apply for SBA scholarships. Since so many people in today's economy are facing financial hardships, there are more money awards to students with low income. Oakland University students can apply for these financial awards. The individual with the lowest financial need is considered for the award.With a little guidance, students will be able to gain from Oakland University's tutoring program and still pursue their educational goals. Students should contact the Academic Assistance Coordinator if they are interested in any of the available SBA programs. Students can also learn more about scholarships and other financial aid programs offered by the SBA.

Friday, March 6, 2020

8 Resume Mistakes College Students Make

8 Resume Mistakes College Students Make via Pixabay 1. Typos and Grammatical Errors It’s completely unacceptable for misspelled words to be found in your resume. With dictionaries at the tips of our fingers and spell check, there is no reason that a word should be misspelled. This shows the hiring manager you are lazy and misleads them when you claim to be “detail oriented.” Before handing in a resume, ask two to three different people to look it over closely. A new set of eyes is better than one! 2. Length We get it, you may have a lot of stuff to put on your resume with all of your part-time jobs, extra curricular activities, and volunteer work. Rule of thumb is that your resume should be no longer than a page long, but no shorter than a page. It’s a little confusing, but almost everything about resume writing is. If you find that your resume runs onto two pages, make the font a little smaller and decrease the margins. You may have to take some details out and just leave your title and the company you worked for. via Pixabay 3. Format Now that you have your resume down to the length of one page, make sure the formatting is easy to read and does not look cluttered. There should be plenty of white space making it easy for the hiring manager to scan your resume and have an idea of your accomplishments in five seconds. Use bolded words for the most important information, such as companies you worked for and what position you held. Use indented bullet points to expand on your positions. Make sure to have headings for each section as well. via Pixabay 4. Focus on Accomplishments, Not Duties Contrary to popular belief, a resume is not an account of what you did while working at different jobs. You are not writing a job description. Instead, focus on the accomplishments you achieved while working in different positions. Be specific. If you won an award or were recognized for something, add it! If you grew a following on social media, add it! 5. High School Accomplishments Now that you are in college, most internships won’t care about what you did in high school. It’s cool that you were in the spring musicals as a background dancer, but that won’t get you the accounting internship. Don’t put down things that may have landed you a part-time job in high school. If you did something in high school that is transferrable to the position you are applying for and it is impressive, then you can put it on your resume. For example, if you were the team captain for the competitive mathematics team and won multiple competitions, then put it down if you are applying for a position in finance. 6. GPA This is one of the most controversial aspects of a resume for college students. Do you put your GPA since you’re in school? Some may say yes and some may say no. My rule of thumb is that if you have an extremely impressive GPA on top of extra curricular activities and part-time jobs, then put it. If it’s mediocre and doesn’t make people say “That’s great!” and mean it, don’t put it. Your boss probably won’t care about the grades you received in school. Working is much different than sitting in a classroom. via Pixabay 7. Being Vague Be specific about your accomplishments. Use numbers and things that are measurable. If you managed social media for an organization, put down how many followers you gained and in how many weeks. Add analytics and views each post received. If you write blog posts, specify how many times a week you write and how many words they typically are. 8. “One-Size-Fits-All” Resume You must cater your resume for each position you apply for. If you are applying for a marketing position, the hiring manager does not want to know that you used to be a line chef at a fancy restaurant. Your resume should express that you have experience in the field and that you can add value to their company. This may take some extra time, but it is worth it if it lands you an interview!

How to Succeed at Math Without Really Crying

How to Succeed at Math Without Really Crying I guess it was about six or seven years ago that I first met him. He was sitting a couple of seats behind me in the row to my right. I was in the front row. I almost always sat in the front in those classes, the really difficult ones. I needed all the advantages I could get. I believe the class was called “Automata”. I think it was classified as a math course, sort of. Automata is really the study of “a finite machine”. It would be classified under theoretical computer science. This would be a course you would take along the lines of how to create your own compiler. Let’s just say I was lost from the moment I sat down in the chair. Who Am I and what am I doing in here? The way I got through that class was first, I was always at the professor’s office, when the professor was there, getting questions answered that I was afraid to ask in class; because I knew I was the only one who didn’t know the answer to what it was I was asking. As I recall, he was pretty cool, many of my questions were very basic ideas that I should have known before entering his classroom. But like I said he was pretty cool, in his office, he answered them all. If I had put my hand up to ask one of those questions in the classroom he probably would have shot me down and I would have looked and felt stupid. But for whatever reason, when in his office, he was an entirely different person. Interesting huh? When he handed out the first exam he said to the class; “Is this ridiculously difficult? Well yes, too bad for you!”   You get the idea. But let’s get back to the guy who sat behind me in the row to my right. He was quiet. He never asked questions in class but took lots of notes. I remember the first time we talked. I always showed up early for class but couldn’t get into the classroom until the class started, so I would sit at a table down the hall and stare at my book. He was sitting at the table too and asked how I was doing and I told him, “terrible!” He pulled out a blank sheet of paper and started sketching and explaining to me in the simplest of terms what the Automata instructor was talking about the day before. From that point on I would meet him at that table before class every day and be given a private lesson, of insightful and detailed tutoring on abstract machines. We became friends at that point. He was happy to show me whatever was needed for me to pass the course. I was to find out later that he already had a graduate degree and as a software engineer, was one of the developers of some major b reakthroughs at NetZero a few years before. He was taking a few classes to brush up on some concepts and theories and preparing to launch an idea that he had developed with a couple other students at UCI. All I can say is I did very well in that course and was able to move on. I didn’t see my extremely intelligent friend again for some time. Meanwhile I ended up in another of those crazy courses the Computer Science guys take. This one was called     “Combinatorial algorithms”. Another “math” course, so they say. Well, after a couple of weeks of struggles and the usual barely hanging in there, the professor said something unbelievable. In the middle of a lecture, he was commenting on how difficult this class is, and went on to say “if you ever get a chance to get Dirk Wagner as a tutor in this class you would get an ‘A’, because Dirk could teach it. Dirk? Hey that’s the name of my mysterious friend who helped me pass “Automata”!   I scrambled through everything I owned in hopes that somehow I had his phone number written down somewhere. The miracle was a number on a torn piece of scratch paper at the bottom of my old book bag, Dirks’ number. I called him up and told him how much trouble I was in, again. I lived in Santa Monica at the time and he was in the Oxnard area. This was not close and he was not taking any courses at the school that term. However in his efforts to put his new idea into reality he was traveling back and forth from his home up north down to Irvine several times a week and he agreed to tutor me by stopping by on his way home each trip. Now, to make a long story even longer, Dirk used the same simple clear tutoring style as he had with me before. I remember the first exam the teacher handed back to me graded as an ‘A’ and I stopped the instructor and said; “there must be some mistake here!” Fortunately he didn’t agree. I got a ‘B+’ overall in that class. Wow. And the tutor, of course was launching his new idea onto the internet. The idea;!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

AP Chemistry Free Response - What is It?

AP Chemistry Free Response - What is It?AP Chemistry Free Response is a test based on the AP Calculus AB Exam. It is one of the three AP exams, and tests basic mathematics and physics as well as communication, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning. This exam is very similar to the NCEES test of Physics, but it's also slightly more difficult.For the answer to this question, the student must remember that there are four tests - Texas Math, Texas English, AP Calculus AB, and AP English Writing. This AP Chemistry Free Response is not in the same class as the Mathematics Free Response because that exam requires knowledge of both linear and quadratic equations.The differences between the exams are the type of test and the questions. AP Calculus AB includes all the topics listed in the previous paragraph, while the Mathematics Free Response is a bit harder. However, students should take the free response because it has all the topics on the Preparing for the AP Calculus AB Exam: How to Keep Your Results Up to Date sections, except for the Verbal Reasoning section. This exam is recommended for students who have taken all of the tests needed for the exam.The AP Chemistry Free Response is basically two exams. One is the AP Chemistry Course. This course can be taken at a computer and the questions can be obtained from any online source.The other part of the AP Chemistry Free Response is the Tutorial. There are two types of tutorials. One is a full-length tutorial, which are an entire written course, and the other is an interactive tutorial, which is a sample quiz with small solutions. Both tutorials are similar to the tutorials that students get when taking Calculus BC.This tutorial is an interactive test that uses a lot of Math, Physics, and English. The Texas content is fairly easy to understand, although the various problem sets will require students to apply their learning as best they can. The difficulty of the test depends on the difficulty of the questions, the student is asked.Students taking the AP Chemistry Free Response should be able to follow the problem sets, including the tutorials, and successfully pass the final exam. Of course, students are encouraged to review what they've learned before heading out to take the exam.

How to Solve Equations Algebraically

How to Solve Equations AlgebraicallyMany students learn algebra at school, or they are taught it during the homework. There are few people who don't know algebra, and one of the most popular questions asked by them is how to solve equations. This question is common in physics and math classes too. The answer to this question is easy because algebra teaches you the principles of solving equations.One of the steps in solving an equation is to find the result. This can be done by the terms and variables, but sometimes this step is overlooked. The terms and variables are vital for solving equations. They describe the relationship between the quantities and the variables. The most common term in an equation is called a variable, while the most commonly used are the constant and the variable.The constant is the quantity that is constant, and it's value always remains the same. That is why this term is called the constant. The variable is used to express the values of the constants. This in cludes the speed of light, the time to a point in space, the square root of a number and the area of a square.Finding the result of an equation is not easy because all the relationships between the variables have already been discovered. One can choose to solve the equations with the different methods. It depends on the type of equation and the number of variables. Different methods will work for different types of equations. One should experiment on each of them to find out which method will work best for the problem.Solving an equation by hand is the most common method. You need to locate the points in the graph of the equation. Then you can mark the points using a black chalk and then use your pencil to fill in the rest of the blank places with the values of the variables. Some equations don't have enough points on the graph, so you can make some additions.Solving equations by hand may require some practice, so you can experiment with different solutions until you get it right. R emember that you need to be exact and don't simplify things. Simplifying things will lead to making mistakes, so keep your attention on the quantity. If you make a mistake, you can always try again.Since solving math problems is one of the major objectives of mathematics, it is better to master the technique than do anything else. For students who learn algebra at school, you should definitely give it a try. You can also use algebra online. This way you can find the answers anytime you want.

Getting Started with Photo Editing

Getting Started with Photo Editing Which Photo Editor Should You Choose to Get Started? ChaptersOur Advice for Using Adobe Photoshop CCHow Do You Use Lightroom?Why Choose GIMP as Your Photo Editing Software?How to Use Aperture for Editing Photos“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” - Alfred StieglitzPhoto editing is becoming increasingly competitive and there are more and more functions and techniques appearing. Resizing, cropping, correcting imperfections, retouching, and treating images.An increasing number of people have edited their photos. With this in mind, photo-editing software needs to be simple to use and powerful.A photo editor needs to be able to do things as simple as red-eye reduction and treat the raw files.Of all the photo editing software, some are more powerful than others.Wondering which ones?In this article, we're looking at some of the most popular photo editing packages available on the market! AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teac her 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsOur Advice for Using Adobe Photoshop CCPhotoshop is already 29 years old! The pioneer of image editing software costs around £20 a month as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud and is considered the professional photo editing software.Photoshop is considered to be an essential image editing programme. You can download it from in just a few clicks.Whether you've taken a portrait or landscape, you can use Adobe Photoshop to edit your photos. (Source: SplitShire)The Photoshop InterfaceSo what’s the Photoshop interface all about?It’s very busy, for one, as you can see everything you need to edit photos.In the centre of your window, there’s the image that you’re working on. At the top of the screen, there’s the menu with all the buttons you see in other programmes including “file”, etc.While you have to pay for Photoshop, the possibilities are seemingly endless. At the right of your screen, there are even more options. You can find tabs like “Properties” on the right of your screen.Photoshop FunctionsEven though Photoshop is a powerful and complex tool, you can get started with it quite easily. You can create a blank document or edit a preexisting photo.For example, there are three ways to zoom in on a photo:Hold down alt and scroll.Click on “Tools” then “Zoom”.Type in the level of zoom in the bottom left of the screen.A programme has tonnes of special little features. Photo editing has never been so comprehensive. Of a ll the functions, here are some of the most common ones:Cancel.Resize a photo.Make an image black and white.Edit jpegs, gifs, or pngs.Correct imperfections like redeye.And many others!Join the best photography courses on here.How Do You Use Lightroom?“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” - Elliott ErwittPhotoshop Lightroom is one of the best image editor packages on the market. This photo editor isn’t just good if you want to retouch photos, you can also use it as a portfolio. This is useful when you want to quickly find your photos.Lightroom is among the best photo editing packages. (Source: Lalmch)But when it comes to how to use Lightroom, you may have a lot of questions since the programme has changed a lot since its creation in 2002. While the programme isn’t free, there is a free trial period , like with Photoshop. You can download Lightroom like you do Photoshop with the Adobe Creative Suite.There are slight differences between the two programme which is why Lightroom is a photo editor and organiser.Here’s how you can import a photo:To import a photo on Adobe Lightroom from a computer or hard disk, you need to click “Add”, select the photos you want, and follow the steps on the left.To import photos from a camera, you need to select the card from the left, click “Copy”, select the photos you want, and adjust the settings on the right.Get the best photography courses in the UK on Superprof.The goal of Lightroom is to organise your photos like in an album. The programme also allows you to add information to the shot, create collections, and organise photos by date, for example. Give it a go.This isn’t the only function since, like any good image manipulation program, Lightroom allows you to fix redeye, add presets, improve the sharpness, or trim a photo. Even if you've taken the best photo ever, you can make it better with just one click!How do you find a photo class?Why Choose GIMP as Your Photo Editing Software?Of all the photo editing programmes, GIMP is one of the pioneers. It’s light, has quick load times, and very few bugs.Getting good photos doesn't necessarily need to cost a fortune. (Source: pixel2013)GIMP was launched in 1984 and is popular for its fluid and efficient interface. It's also a free photo editor. The toned-down version of Photoshop, this programme has all the basic menu items like “File”, “Edit”, “Image”, “Layers” and “Filter” that you’ll find in most photo editing programmes.The layers are the first thing you should learn about if you want to use GIMP. When you edit an image, you can work on several layers, and the one of the top is the one you’ll see the most of.  There’s no limit to the number of layers you can use and they can include text, filters, overlays, or even other objects.Yo u can also use GIMP professionally and effectively due to its tools. These tools can be found in tabs. These include:The selection tools, for selecting the part of the image you want to work on.The editing tools, which allow you to modify parts of the photo.The transformation tools, which allow you to alter an image’s scale, rotation, and alignment.And many others!GIMP’s main strength is its versatility and you can also use plugins to add to its versatility.  Darktable, Pandora, and Liquid Rescale are all examples of plugins that, once downloaded, can help you to use different file formats, make a panoramic image, or smooth out imperfections on a face.Not bad, is it?The plethora of options available on this programme makes GIMP a great tool for editing photos.How to Use Aperture for Editing PhotosOf all the programmes for editing photos, Aperture is one of the best. This programme, which was created by Apple in 2004, only works on Mac OS. It’s easy to use but it is starting to be replaced by the Apple Photos app.There are plenty of options both physical and digital for making your photos better. (Source: Free-Photos)Aperture isn’t free but it is great for those who want to learn the basics of photo editing. As with any photo editing software, it’ll take you some time to get the hang of it. But don’t worry, we’ll get to that.Aperture requires a one-off payment rather than a subscription like you have with the Adobe products.  Once you’ve downloaded the programme, you can start organising your photos on the platform. Give the folder a name, rate each photo by a number of stars, fill in keywords and locations, identify people in the photos, and you’re ready to go!That said, you’re probably more interested in retouching photos. Aperture has a good number of functions that make it great for editing photos. Changing the contrast, white balance, or doing collages has never been so easy.But what can Aperture do?Identify faces to sort photos more ea silyDetect and remove red-eyeZoom up to 1600%Fullscreen modeRotate a photoExport images in raw formatCorrect imperfectionsIn short, Aperture is an essential programme if you want to touch up photos or add photo effects. It’s simple, intuitive, and effective.The green frame is the toolbar.The red frame includes editing, metadata, and the library.The blue frame allows you to see the photos.Thanks to these programmes, you can get started with editing photos right away.If you need more help with professional photo software like Adobe Photoshop Elements, Photoshop Express, an online photo editor or techniques to edit your photos like photo enhancement, tilt-shift, and removing blemishes, you can get help from a professional photographer or photography tutor.On Superprof, there are tutors offering three main types of tutorials: face-to-face tutorials, group tutorials, and online tutorials.Group tutorials are usually the cheapest because you're sharing the cost of the tutor's time with t he other students in attendance.Face-to-face tutorials tend to be the most expensive (and cost-effective) as the tutor's all yours for the lesson and they'll be creating bespoke lessons for you.Finally, if you want a one-on-one tutorial for less or can't find a suitable tutor where you live, online tutorials are great because they can be taught from anywhere in the world. All you need is a webcam and a decent internet connection!

4 Tips for Transitioning from Community College to University

4 Tips for Transitioning from Community College to University Transferring from a community college to a university can be both intimidating and exciting. Despite this mix of emotions, the transition doesnt have to be an unpleasant process. There are things you can do, both while attending your community college and when starting a new school, that can make the process less stressful. Tips for transitioning from community college to university include conversing with your advisors, researching credit transfer opportunities, and attending orientation events at your new four-year school. Looking to make this big step as smooth as possible? Keep reading to discover our tips for transitioning from community college to university. Tip #1: When transitioning from community college to university, be sure to meet with your advisor(s) Your academic advisor can help you focus your time at community college. Your advisor should assist you in maximizing your time in terms of classes, internships, and any other academic opportunities that may strengthen you as a candidate for a university. Make meeting with your academic advisor a priority each semester to ensure you stay on top of all requirements and deadlines. Additionally, its important to meet with a transfer advisor. This may be the same person as your academic advisor, so research your schools policies. Your transfer advisor will help you research different four-year schools in order to find the best ones for you to apply to, as well as help you create and follow an application timeline. [RELATED: What I Wish I Knew About Picking a College Major] Tip #2: When transitioning from community college to university, research credit transfer opportunities Some community colleges have transfer agreements, or articulation agreements, with universities. Such agreements put into writing which courses transfer and their equivalencies at the four-year school. Due to the amount of transfer credit that has already been determined, a transfer between the two schools will be simpler than transferring between two schools that dont have an articulation agreement. However, its not impossible to transfer between schools without agreements. If youre interested in schools without articulation agreements, do your research in terms of what classes will transfer and what grades you need to secure. Search websites, reach out to advisors and admissions officers from the four-year schools, and check in with your own advisor to learn more. [RELATED: Know the Difference Between In-Person, Online, and Hybrid Courses] Tip #3: When transitioning from community college to university, keep all your paperwork organized Youll encounter a lot of paperwork during this process, so its key to keep track of it all. Store your transfer paperwork and the application materials youll need to complete for universities in one easily accessible location. Another idea is to organize due dates and important requirements in a spreadsheet that you can access from home and school. Be sure to fill out the FAFSA (or Free Application for Federal Student Aid) if youre eligible for financial aid. Also, set aside time to research scholarships. Some schools offer scholarships specifically for transfer students. Conduct online research, as well as speak to admissions counselors, to gather information. [RELATED: 4 Ways to Get Involved on Campus as a Commuter Student] Tip #4: When transitioning from community college to university, attend events at your new school After youve been admitted to a university, take advantage of any opportunities they offer to prepare for the transition. It can be helpful to touch base with relevant people from your new school in order to seek out support, including: Inquire with an admissions counselor if theyre able to put you into contact with a current student who has gone through the transfer process. Contact the department youre interested in majoring in to see what resources they may have available to you throughout this transition. Be sure to attend orientation, as well. Orientation often provides helpful information for navigating your new school and can introduce you to a plethora of new people. Throughout the transfer process, dont be afraid to ask questions. Fostering an open line of communication with your advisors, researching credit opportunities, and forming connections with future classmates and professors are just a few strategies that will help you succeed at your new institution. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at